We Digitally Inserted Marlon Wayans Into This Marx Brothers Classic, And Now We Don't Know How To Free Him

We Digitally Inserted Marlon Wayans Into This Marx Brothers Classic, And Now We Don't Know How To Free Him

Dear Flexx readers,

We’ll be honest with you. We wanted to make a point about the incredible lack of diversity in old Hollywood and the white-centric nature of ‘classic’ films. So, we decided to digitally insert beloved comedian Marlon Wayans into the Marx Brothers’ 1933 comedy Duck Soup.

Unfortunately, Mr. Wayans is now trapped inside the film, in a hell-dimension of our own making. 

For the past two months, Marlon has been screaming for help from inside his celluloid prison and honestly, we have no idea how to solve the problem. Looking at the edited film, we can see that Marlon has taken to screaming, “Someone please help me! I’m scared” at Groucho Marx, who only responds by waggling his mustache. 

We are extremely concerned about Marlon’s well-being, given that the only food available to him is hollow cakes filled with showgirls, throwable Boston cream pies and flat champagne. Recently, Marlon has taken to banging his hands on the screen, but this does nothing.

We are at a loss. We tried calling Kim, Damon, Damon Jr., even Shawn, but they all just tried to reboot My Wife and Kids. While we stand by our point about the shameful whiteness of classic Hollywood, we admit we may have made a mistake here. We apologize for delaying the production of Marlon Season 3 and ask you all to email us if you have experience in freeing celebrities from inside of a time portal. 

Apologies again,
FLEXX staff

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