Light-Skinned Man Too Busy Licking His Lips To Acknowledge Colorism

Light-Skinned Man Too Busy Licking His Lips To Acknowledge Colorism

After watching his white employer introduce his dark-skinned coworker as “the Dark Knight” at a company dinner, light-skinned Calvin Lewis hit the ultimate crossroads — speak up for a fellow black man, or keep his lips sensationally moist?

“I knew this stuff happens in the world, I just never expected it to happen to me. Or in close proximity to me,” said Lewis as tears began to fill behind his colored contacts. 

When asked why he didn’t say anything at the time of the event, Lewis simply smacked his dangerously wet lips together like a love interest on Insecure Season 3. “I don’t think people understand what it’s like to be the beauty standard for black men. If my lips dry out, I don’t own moisturizing products. I don’t have the privilege of understanding what it’s like to be ashy,” defended Lewis. 

When confronted by his only dark-skinned friend, Darquise, Lewis simply said “Hold on bitch,” before licking enough to get to the center of his waterlogged lips.

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